PUG Challenge 2024 Boston



This list may be updated at anytime up until two weeks before event.

Countdown to PUG Challenge Prague 2024


Countdown to PUG Challenge Boston 2024


Countdown to PUG Challenge Prague 2024


Countdown to PUG Challenge Boston 2024


Please note that all workshops have limited space and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. Please have your PUG Challenge 2024 Boston event order number ready to use at checkout. This can be found in your Eventbrite confirmation.

Sunday, Sept. 29 (9am -12 pm EDT)

Migrating to PASOE from Classic AppServer/WebSpeed

Hosted by Roy Ellis, Progress Software

With the retirement of 11.7 next year many people are moving to 12.2 which means PASOE for AppServer and WebSpeed applications. Learn how to size your new PASOE applications. Learn what application practices you need to consider. Get hands-on practice with PASOE.

Sunday, Sept. 29 (9am -12 pm EDT)

OpenEdge Development with VS-Code

Hosted by Gilles Querret, Riverside Software

VS Code or Visual Studio Code is one of the most widely used development environments and is not only indispensable for web development. VS Code has an extensive collection of available extensions (plugins) and is available for a wide range of systems. An extension to support development with OpenEdge has been available for over a year. The plugin offers modern editor functions, fast compilation of even large code bases and features such as code debugging. In this workshop, Gilles Querret from Riverside will present the features of VS Code for OpenEdge, the basic usage of VS Code and the configuration of OpenEdge projects. Other useful plug-ins for OpenEdge development will also be presented. Gilles Querret is the developer of the OpenEdge extension for VS Code.

Sunday, Sept. 29 (9am -12 pm EDT)

OpenEdge DBA

Hosted by Paul Koufalis , White Star Software – Patrice Perrot, Proginov

This workshop will focus on read performance, with various exercises to help you understand how to tune your databases and take advantage of Progress’ new server-side-joins feature. Attendees will use AWS Linux virtual machines that we will provide. A computer with Internet access and PuTTY is required. Basic Linux command line skills are suggested but not obligatory.

Sunday, Sept. 29 (1pm -4pm EDT)

Performance Monitoring for OE12.8 apps using OpenTelemetry Tracing

Hosted by Ruben Dröge & Laurent Kieffer, Progress

Sunday, Sept. 29 (1pm – 4pm EDT)

API First: Building ABL Clients from Swagger documents

Hosted by Mike Fechner & Peter Judge, Consultingwerk

As business applications are required to provide more integration with other systems, the first question many developers ask when integrating REST based API’s into their application is, where’s the Swagger file. OpenAPI (typically called Swagger) is a standard for describing REST and typically JSON based API’s, and a variety of systems – from payments processing to authentication services – document access to their systems using an OpenAPI document. In this session we’ll introduce the basic concepts of OpenAPI and the Swagger file, tooling that can be used with this and what it takes to use OpenAPI as a foundation to build ABL clients to access those API’s. The session will use the OpenEdge HTTP Client and the JSON object model in the ABL to access REST services.

Sunday, Sept. 29 (1pm – 4pm EDT)

Build Your Own OpenEdge Container Images

Hosted by Laurent Kieffer, Ruben Dröge & Raphael Ross, Progress Software

Containerizing your application has various benefits, especially when it comes to CI/CD practices from build and test environments to production environments. Containers enable you to easily bring up software and environments, standardize deployments, improve security, start-up applications quickly and so on. With various changing software components such as OS platforms, third-party libraries, test frameworks and security requirements, etc., it becomes important to continuously keep applications up to date. Hence, it becomes important to be able to build your own customized container images for your use case. In this session we will see how you can build and maintain Docker container images for various OpenEdge components (such as 4GL Development System, Progress ProdAS for OE, Progress Dev AS for OE, OE Enterprise RDBMS, and so on), best practices to consider when containerizing your application (such as sidecar approaches) and their possible use-cases in CI/CD environments.

Sunday, Sept. 29 (1pm – 4pm EDT)

Supporting PASOE

Hosted by Roy Ellis, Progress Software

Do you have Progress Application Server for OpenEdge (PASOE) running on your site or with your customers? Not sure how to debug and fix issues? In this workshop we will cover the architecture of PASOE, how to debug issues, and how to fix them. In this workshop you will be debugging and fixing common problems. Learn how to read log files and use the management and monitoring tools built into PASOE.